A small school that thinks big

Parental involvement

The school values the important part that parents/carers play in their children’s education and sees partnership with parents/carers as an effective way of enhancing children’s achievements and promoting better school ethos and communication. Strone Primary School recognises that it is of vital importance that Parents/Carers and staff work together in order to achieve the best educational outcome for each and every pupil.  Parents are encouraged to support children with homework activities.

Parents are frequently informed of the various activities of the school by letter and email and there is a school website and Facebook Page with lots of information about upcoming events and activities.

Parents and carers are invited to make appointments to visit their child’s teacher in the Autumn and Summer Term to discuss their child’s progress. During the Summer Term the school will hold an Open Afternoon to allow children to show their parents/carers their learning. In addition the school may organise a talk or workshop for parents giving information on teaching methodology or new developments in educational practice and ways in which to support their child’s learning.

Around the time of their children starting school, parents and carers are invited to meet with the Primary 1 teacher demonstrates resources and teaching methods that the children will experience.  There is ample opportunity for exchange of information and for any queries to be answered.

Parents are also invited to help with educational activities such as accompanying outings or assisting with practical activities in the classroom.  Any parent who wishes to assist in educational activities or who has a particular skill to offer is asked to make this known to any of the teaching staff.


All homework is issued on a weekly basis and is relevant to the child’s current learning. All children are encouraged to read a minimum of 3 times a week at home. Each child will receive weekly spellings to learn relevant to their level.  At times children may be required to complete additional homework.

Becoming Involved in School

The school values the important part that parents/carers play in their children’s education and sees partnership with parents/carers as an effective way of enhancing children’s achievements and promoting better school ethos and communication. Some of the opportunities to become involved within the school are detailed in the Opportunities for Parental Involvement Section below.

Opportunities for Parental Involvement

Examples of opportunities for parental involvement are as follows:

During the school day:

  • Helping in the early learning and childcare class (if applicable)
  • Art/Craft activities
  • Sharing knowledge and expertise in some aspect of the curriculum (e.g. topic talk), history, science, health
  • Practical activities in science, maths, social subjects, health education (e.g. first aid) or technology
  • Reading stories to groups of children, playing reading/phonics games
  • Supervising board games
  • Teaching playground games
  • Golden Time activities, e.g. board games, art and craft in small groups
  • Running or assisting to run a Lunch Club
  • Supporting educational visits/trips
  • School concerts – making costumes, props, supervision of children
  • Road safety – Cycle Training

Outwith the school day:

  • Fundraising events
  • Trips, e.g. sporting events, concerts
  • Wider-curricular activities, e.g. coaching, sports/art clubs/country dancing/school grounds – maintenance of garden/allotment areas

If you wish to be a regular parent helper, PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) checks must be completed.  Please discuss this with staff.

Parent Councils

Parent Councils are now established in all Argyll & Bute primary and secondary schools.  The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 recognises the vital role that parents/carers play in supporting their children’s learning.

The basic principle underpinning the Act is the desire to have children become more ‘confident learners’ through closer working between each family and school.  It is anticipated that this can be done in three ways.  These are: –

  • Learning at Home: direct parental involvement in the child’s learning at home and in the community.
  • Home/School Partnership: closer working partnerships between parents/carers and the school – such partnerships being essential to ensure that the child gets maximum benefit from their school experiences.
  • Parental Representation: Parent Councils will be parent/carer led and school supported, with all parents/carers being automatic members of the ‘Parent Forum’ and the Parent Council representing their views.

You can find out more about your Parent Council by contacting the Head Teacher

Parentzone Scotland

Parentzone Scotland is a unique website for parents and carers in Scotland, from early years to beyond school.  The website provides up-to-date information about learning in Scotland, and practical advice and ideas to support children’s learning at home in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and science.  Information is also available on Parentzone Scotland regarding additional support needs, how parents can get involved in their child’s school and education.  Furthermore, the website has details about schools including performance data for school leavers from S4-S6; and links to the national, and local authority and school level data on the achievement of Curriculum for Excellence levels.  Parentzone Scotland can be accessed at https://education.gov.scot/parentzone.